Uniform Information
It is our policy that all children wear the school uniform when attending school, or when participating in a school-organised event, even if outside normal school hours. We consult the requirements for school uniform with parents, and we review these requirements regularly.
School uniform can be purchased online from: School Uniform Shop or alternatively from your local supermarket.
The school also recycles school uniform and shares this with parents/carers regularly.
School Uniform
The school uniform consists of black or grey trousers, skirt or pinafore dresses. These can be worn with a white polo t-shirt and dark green jumper. The children are asked to wear black shoes - they should be completely black in colour.
Please send your child to school in their school uniform with their name clearly labelled. Labelling your child’s clothing will make it easier for us to return it if it has been misplaced.
Your child will be outside during break times and lunchtime. In the colder months please make sure they have a warm, waterproof coat in school. In summer, we ask that all children have a waterproof jacket.
Open toe sandals and flop flops are not allowed in summer for health and safety reasons. We also ask that you apply sun screen before the start of the session and provide a sun hat for your child when appropriate.
PE Kit
It is essential that your child has a suitable PE kit in school every day. Our PE kit includes a white t-shirt, green or black shorts/jogging bottoms and appropriate footwear such as trainers or plimsolls. Children may leave their PE kit on their peg and take it home at weekends for washing. Please make sure all items are clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Jewellery is not permitted in school for safety reasons, with the exception of children with pierced ears who may wear small stud earrings only. Watches are not permitted in school.
Book Bags
You can purchase a school book bag from: School Uniform Shop. They are ideal for carrying books and any other letters between home and school. All children need to bring a bag to school every day to bring home reading books.