George Eliot Primary School

Every child will embrace challenge, achieve their very best and become a learner for life

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Pupil Premium and Recovery Premium

Please read the information below which gives details of our Pupil Premium Grant and The Covid Catch Up Premium and how we allocate the funding.

The Pupil Premium Grant funding, which is additional to main school funding, is a key way of narrowing the attainment gap between Free School Meals (FSM) and Non-FSM students. The government has extended its reach to cover any child that has been registered for Free School Meals or a Child Looked After (CLA) within the past six years.


The Department for Education states that schools have the freedom to spend the funding as they see fit based upon their knowledge of pupil needs.


‘It is for schools to decide how the Pupil Premium, allocated to schools per FSM pupil, is spent, since they are best placed to assess what educational provision should be made for the individual pupils within their responsibility.’ DfE website.


At George Eliot Primary School, we are committed to ensuring that each individual pupil receives the very best education, allowing them to reach their full potential academically and socially.


Our growth mind-set and learning to learn culture ensures that we have the highest expectations and that we continually strive to ensure that no pupil is left behind.


Our strategy in deciding on how to spend the Pupil Premium Grant is to look at the potential barriers pupils face.

The reasons for underachievement are many and varied and could include; less support at home; social and emotional difficulties due to complex family situations or attendance and punctuality difficulties. Each child entitled to the pupil premium grant is unique in their situation and our response to their needs must reflect this.


With this in mind, at George Eliot Primary School, we aim to provide quality first teaching to all; to build the capacity and expertise to enable us to provide a highly personalised programme of support in order to allow each child to reach his/her full potential.


Our key objective in using the Pupil Premium Grant is to narrow the attainment and achievement gap between those entitled to Pupil Premium and those not.


The progress and attainment of all pupils at George Eliot Primary School is carefully tracked and analysed from a rich field of data in order to draw conclusions and develop action plans. We also make use of a wide range of educational research, from organisations, such as The Sutton Trust or Educational Endowment Foundation, in order to decide how best to spend our funding to maximise the opportunities for our pupils.


Our funding priorities fall into 4 key areas:

1. Learning and the Curriculum
2. Parents and Families
3. Social and Emotional Support
4. Enrichment within and beyond the curriculum


Learning and the Curriculum


  • Recruiting high quality teachers
  • Providing a range of proven teacher and TA led interventions
  • Providing quality resources to support teaching – particularly rich texts and concrete materials


Parents and Families


  • Improving attendance and punctuality
  • Breakfast and After School Clubs


Social and Emotional Support


  • MindUP (Meta-cognition and Self-regulation)


Enrichment Within and Beyond the Curriculum


  • Enriched curriculum opportunities- subsidised trips and visitors
  • Breakfast and After School Clubs
  • Wide variety of clubs
  • Subsidised music tuition
  • Subsidised residential trips




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  • George Eliot Primary School
  • Marlborough Hill, St John’s Wood
  • NW8 0NH
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