George Eliot Primary School

Every child will embrace challenge, achieve their very best and become a learner for life

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Code of Conduct

At George Eliot Primary we believe that any form of prejudice impacts negatively upon everyone. The Governing Body and staff of George Eliot Primary School do not accept any form of racism, homophobia, xenophobia or sexism and will act to investigate any incident or evidence of lack of awareness from anyone connected with the school or visiting the school.


School Rules


  • Keep yourself and others safe
  • Be kind and gentle
  • Talk to an adult if you feel angry, hurt, frightened or uncomfortable
  • Always tell the truth
  • Respect yourself and others


Our staff strive to maintain a consistent, positive approach, reinforcing good behaviour and encouraging self-discipline and consideration for others. We acknowledge the children’s good behaviour with entries into our Star of the Week book. If a child behaves in a way which breaks the school rules we talk to them and make sure that any “victim” is supported. If poor behaviour continues we will discuss this with the child’s parent(s). Mutual support and assistance amongst our staff is important in establishing a consistent and effective approach in this sensitive area.


We ask parent(s) to raise any concerns or queries about anything which happens at George Eliot Primary School with members of the George Eliot staff and not to approach another parent about their child’s behaviour at school.



Find Us

  • George Eliot Primary School
  • Marlborough Hill, St John’s Wood
  • NW8 0NH
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