If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below.
Applying for a place in our Nursery class
Our nursery has 26 places and in September 2025 we will be offering the 30 free hours to eligible families and full-time places with a top up fee to those who would prefer a full time nursery place but are not eligible under the new 30 hours scheme. To check your eligibility for 30 hours funding, please click on the link below:
Full time from 8.45am – 3.10pm
When and how do I apply?
We accept applications once your child is two years old. To apply for a nursery class place at George Eliot, you will need to apply directly to the school as we manage the admissions for our nursery. Please click below to download the application form. Please return the completed form to the school office.
We accept applications throughout the year for children who have already turned 3 and would like to start during the academic year.
The closing date for applications to start in September 2025 is 21st April 2025. The outcome of applications will be received shortly after this date.
Any applications received after this will be reviewed after the first round of places have been offered.
When would my child start Nursery?
Children start in our Nursery in the term after their 3rd birthday.
How does the school allocate Nursery places?
There may not be enough places in the Nursery class to take all the children who would like to attend. For Community Schools, such as George Eliot, where there are more applications than places, the school will allocate places in accordance to the published admissions criteria for Community and Maintained Nursery Schools. Please note that there is no automatic transfer from the Nursery Class to the Reception Class. There is a separate application procedure for Reception class places.